New York City
September 20, 2024

Connect, learn & inspire

Explore the best of

Open source, tech, design & higher ed

The summit goes beyond just Drupal, offering something for everyone. Our program includes three separate tracks: Communications & Digital Strategy, Technical, and UX/UI Design. In addition, enjoy pre and post-summit networking receptions where you can exchange ideas, and build lasting professional relationships.

Explore the best of

+30 talks in four tracks  

The agenda will go live in the next few weeks. If you're interested in presenting, please submit a session proposal form or reach out to Maya.

Featured Speakers

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Where innovation meets collaboration

EvolveDrupal made its debut in May 2023 in Montreal, where it united professional communities in person for the first time in 2+ years. Since then, the summit has grown, spanning cities like Toronto, Ottawa, and Atlanta. EvolveDrupal has solidified its reputation, attracting leaders from tech, government, higher education, and non-profit, and distinguished guests like Drupal’s founder Dries Buytaert.

Be a part of the extraordinary

This is a chance to come together. We owe a great deal of our success to our incredible presenters and sponsors. If you are passionate about sharing your expertise or helping to build community and open source, we'd love to have you on board.

Reach out to Maya to express interest or learn more.

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Training courses

Image du microphone

Améliorez vos connaissances sur Drupal

Interested in upping your Drupal knowledge? We've got just the opportunity for you! Before EvolveDrupal NYC, we'll be hosting an exclusive in-person 3-day Drupal training. Come for one, two or all three days. All trainees will receive free admission to EvolveDrupal. Course details coming soon!

Reach out to Maya to express interest or learn more.
View all training courses



Candid is a nonprofit that provides the most comprehensive data and insights about the social sector.
We're grateful to be able to use their space for our summit.
Address: 32 Old Slip, New York, NY 10005, United States

Atlanta Tech Village


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