Gauthier Garnier

General Manager DACH & Channels

November 28, 2023

Strategic Hosting Choices & Performance Optimization for Sustainable Web Development

Gauthier Garnier has been deeply involved in the web development sector since 2006, with a focus on open-source CMS technologies. His journey in this field has taken him through various web agencies in France and Canada, where he played a key role in the development and implementation of significant web projects. His collaborative efforts have supported successful outcomes for clients such as The Economist, Air France, and

In 2018, Gauthier joined and now holds the position of General Manager for Channels and oversees sales activities in the DACH region. He brings his practical experience and understanding of open-source CMS to the EvolveDrupal conference. Gauthier's presentation will address a critical and contemporary issue: reducing the carbon impact of Drupal projects, combining his technical know-how with an awareness of environmental sustainability.

Present and Past Speakers